
(trade name)

Erythema (mm)

15 min after the test

Wheal (mm)

15 min after the test

Erythema (mm)

30 min after the test

human insulin (Humulin R)

10 × 11

0 × 0

11 × 10

insulin lispro (Humalog)

8 × 16

6 × 9

11 × 14

insulin aspart (NovoRapid)

20 × 15

10 × 9

22 × 17

insulin glulisine (Apidra)

12 × 10

6 × 6

12 × 11

Isophane insulin injection (aqueous suspension, Humulin N)

8 × 10

0 × 0

10 × 11

insulin glargine(Lantus)

8 × 10

0 × 0

12 × 11

insulin detemir(Levemir)

13 × 13

0 × 0

12 × 10

Normal saline solution

0 × 0

0 × 0

0 × 0